Section: Scientific Foundations

Automatic speech recognition

Automatic speech recognition aims at reproducing the cognitive ability of humans to recognize and understand oral speech. Our team has been working on automatic speech recognition for decades. We began with knowledge-based recognition systems and progressively made our research works evolve towards stochastic approaches, both for acoustic and language models. Regarding acoustic models, we have especially investigated HMM (Hidden Markov Models), STM (Stochastic Trajectory Models), multi-band approach and BN (Bayesian Networks). Regarding language models, our main interest has concerned ngram approaches (word classes, trigger, impossible ngram, etc).

The main challenge of automatic speech recognition is its robustness to multiple sources of speech variability [54] . Among them, we have been focusing on acoustic environment, inter- and intra-speaker variability, different speaking styles (prepared speech, spontaneous, etc.) and non-native pronunciations.

Another specifity of automatic speech recognition is the necessity to combine efficiently all the research works (in acoustic modeling, langage modeling, speaker adaptation, etc.) into a core platform in order to evaluate them, and to go beyond pure textual transcriptions by enriching them with punctuation, syntax, etc., in order to make them exploitable by both humans and machines.

Acoustic features and models

The raw acoustic signal needs to be parameterized to extract the speech information it contains and to reduce its dimensionality. Most of our research and recognition technologies make use of the classical Mel Feature Cepstral Coefficients, which have proven since many years to be amongst the most efficient front-end for speech recognition. However, we have also explored alternative parameterizations to support some of our recent research progresses. For example, prosodic features such as intonation curves and vocal energy give important cues to recognize dialog acts, and more generally to compute information that relates to supra-phonemic (linguistic, dialog, ...) characteristics of speech. Prosodic features are developed jointly for both the Speech Analysis and Speech Recognition topics. We also developed a new robust front-end, which is based on wavelet-decomposition of the speech signal.

Concerning acoustic models, stochastic models are now the most popular approach for automatic speech recognition. Our research on speech recognition also largely exploits Hidden Markov Models (HMM). In fact, HMMs are mainly used to model the acoustic units to be recognized (usually triphones) in all of our recognition engines (ESPERE, ANTS...). Besides,we have investigated Bayesian Networks (BN) to explicitly represent random variables and their independence relationships to improve noise robustness.

Robustness and invariance

Part of our research activities about ASR aims at improving the robustness of recognizers to the different sources of variability that affect the speech signal and damage the recognition. Indeed, the issue of the lack of robustness of state-of-the-art ASR systems is certainly the most problematic one that still prevents the wide deployment of speech recognizers nowadays. In the past, we developed a large range of techniques to address this difficult topic, including robust acoustic models (such as stochastic trajectory and multi-band models) and model adaptation techniques (such as missing data theory). The following state-of-the-art approaches thus form our baseline set of technologies: MLLR (Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression), MAP (Maximum A Posteriori), PMC (Parallel Model Combination), CMN (Cepstral Mean Normalization), SAT (Speaker Adaptive Training), HLDA (Heteroscedastic Linear Discriminant Analysis), Spectral Subtraction and Jacobian Adaptation.

These technologies constitute the foundations of our recent developments in this area, such as non-native speaker adaptation, out-of-vocabulary words detection and adaptation to pronunciation variations. Handling speech variabilities may also benefit from exploiting additional external or contextual sources of information to more tightly guide the speech decoding process. This is typically the role of the language model, which shall in this context be augmented with higher-level knowledge, such as syntactic or semantic cues. Yet, automatically extracting such advanced features is very challenging, especially on imperfect transcribed speech.

The performance of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems drastically drops when confronted with non-native speech. If we want to build an ASR system that takes into account non-native speech, we need to modify the system because, usually, ASR systems are trained on standard phone pronunciations and designed to recognize only native speech. In this way, three method categories can be applied: acoustic model transformation, pronunciation modeling and language modeling. Our contribution concerns the first two methods.


Audio indexing and automatic broadcast news transcription need the segmentation of the audio signal. The segmentation task consists in two steps: firstly, homogeneous segments are extracted and classified into speech, noise or music, secondly, speakers turns are detected in the extracted speech segments.

Speech/music segmentation requires to extract discriminant acoustic parameters. Our contribution concerns the MFCC and wavelet parameters. Another point is to find a good classifier. Various classifiers are commonly used: k-Nearest-Neighbors, Hidden Markov Models, Gaussian Mixture Models, Artificial Neural Networks.

As to detect speaker turns, the main approach consists of splitting the audio signal into segments that are assumed to contain only one speaker and then a hierarchical clustering scheme is performed for merging segments belonging to the same speaker.

Speech/text alignment

Speech/text alignment consists in finding time boundaries of words or phones in the audio signal knowing the orthographic transcription. The main applications of speech/text alignment are training of acoustic models, segmentation of audio corpus for building units for speech synthesis or segmentation of the sentence uttered by a learner of a foreign language. Moreover, speech/text alignement is a useful tool for linguistic researchers.

Speech/text alignment requires two steps. The first step generates the potential pronunciations of the sentence dealing with multiple pronunciations of proper nouns, liaisons, phone deletions, and assimilations. For that, the phonetizer is based on a phonetic lexicon, and either phonological rules or an automatic classifier as a decision tree. The second step finds the best pronunciation corresponding to the audio signal using acoustic HMM models and an alignment algorithm. The speech team has been working on this domain for a long time.